

May 10, 2018

Do we only care about moms on Mother’s Day?

It’s been 16 years since I celebrated my first Mother’s Day as a mom. My daughter had been born — in our living room, across from the Pacific Ocean on the central Oregon coast — just two days prior.

May 10, 2018

Super wildfires demand new tack

With western wildfires growing in size and destroying more homes, farms and businesses, there is a need for new tools and approaches. The infernos are spreading so fast they are outstripping our ability to fight them in traditional ways.

May 3, 2018

‘Bee City’ Buzz: Helping bees thrive

They were not making it easy. They could have landed on a low, dangling branch. I have a lot of those in my yard. But they landed on four old, decaying fence boards. I “guesstimated” they numbered over 30,000 — a fine spring swarm of beautiful, amber-colored honeybees.

April 19, 2018

Like opioids, gun violence is a bipartisan problem

At a legislative town hall held in Camas last Saturday morning, Republican Sen. Ann Rivers said something that seemed to resonate with many people in the room: The issue of opioid addiction is a bipartisan issue because, as Rivers noted, “there is no one in the Legislature who doesn’t have a close friend, family member or someone they know who has been impacted by this.”