

November 15, 2018

‘Blue wave’ missed 3rd District but could still have positive side effects for local Dems

The “blue wave” looks a lot more impressive a week after the midterm elections. Democrats have gained 33 seats in the House and could pick up another six when all votes have been counted. According to NPR, despite the fact that House districts are now “far more gerrymandered to favor Republicans” the midterm election produced “the most House seats gained by Democrats since the wave elections following Watergate.”

November 1, 2018

Trump’s Kristallnacht

We are now moving past “mere” voter suppression and voter intimidation. We have arrived at voter assassination.

October 25, 2018

October Cheers and Jeers

Normally, finding individuals and groups worthy of accolades in our monthly “Cheers & Jeers” editorial is the easy part and we struggle to come up with those deserving the “jeers.”

October 18, 2018

ECFR: Small, but mighty

I thought for a long time about how to describe East County Fire and Rescue (ECFR) for this column. I’ve been a part of our fire district for 21 years, and many others have served for close to that. People come to ECFR in our unique part of Clark County and make careers here, and raise their families. When we do leave, it’s to develop additional skills to save lives and property, which we then bring home to better serve our community.