

January 3, 2019

Ways to drain swamp in new year

Many pundits predict American political warfare will worsen in 2019 and grow more ruthless in 2020 — our next presidential election year. The swamp that candidate Donald Trump promised to drain is expanding.

December 27, 2018

Christmas wreaths help ease pain

Christmas is a difficult time for anyone grieving the death of a loved one. It is especially hard when they were slain in the line of duty, while protecting our country.

December 20, 2018

Greet strong economy with caution

The good news is Washington’s revenues continue to grow and projections for the next couple of years appear promising. That is welcome news, but it is sprinkled with caution about introducing new taxes.

December 20, 2018

December Cheers & Jeers

Let’s kick this December Cheers & Jeers editorial off with a seasonally appropriate cheers: to the folks who work at the Camas Post Office on Northeast Fifth Avenue.

December 13, 2018

Could Camas be the Grinch?

In its Dec. 6 issue, The Post-Record ran a story about the city of Camas acquiring real property, including a purchase of the building formerly occupied by Bank of America (BofA). The article left out a few very important details that leave this writer wondering if the city is the Grinch who stole Christmas. Here are those previously omitted facts.

December 13, 2018

Supporting Camas in quest for ‘small business revolution’ win helps whole community

The photos from the “big reveal” inside the Downtown Camas Association (DCA) office Tuesday morning only go so far in capturing the pure excitement running through the room as executives from the web series “Small Business Revolution — Main Street,” which runs on Hulu, presented a live announcement of the top 10 cities in the running for the grand prize — a $500,000 downtown business makeover and a whole season in which to promote Camas and its small business community.