

October 30, 2019

EDITORIAL: Trumpian tactics in community center fight

The “Vote No on Camas Pool Bond” folks have been getting their 15 minutes of fame this week, after an impromptu “debate” hosted by a conservative online media group devolved into what could best be described as a bunch of bullies coming after the mayor of Camas — and all because she dared to suggest (along with the Camas City Council) that voters should decide if Camas should build a community center.

October 24, 2019

The wildfire season that wasn’t

The Oregonian characterized the 2019 wildfire season as the “season that wasn’t.” That’s good news for West Coast states; however, it doesn’t mean we are permanently “out of the woods.”

October 23, 2019

Anger over community center is not justified

In her interview with the Post-Record last week, Camas Mayor Shannon Turk said she was willing to shoulder the bulk of people’s anger over the city’s decision to place a $78 million community-aquatics center bond on the Nov. 5 ballot, but added that she doesn’t fully understand people’s ire over the bond.

October 10, 2019

High costs drive people to move

Too often, elected officials overlook the cumulative costs of regulations, taxes and fees on taxpayers; however, it comes back to bite them hard when people move, or take matters into their own hands by initiative.