

May 28, 2020

OPINION: May Cheers & Jeers

We can’t pretend it’s been easy to find cause for “cheers” in this month’s “Cheers & Jeers” column, especially knowing that our country hit yet another grim milestone — 100,000 Americans now dead from COVID-19 — this week.

May 21, 2020

Our communities and small businesses are being left behind

Growing up, my family owned a small business — John’s Fresh Produce. When I was in seventh grade and my father became ill, I dropped out of school to help my mom open the store. When he got better, I returned to school, and our family worked hard to keep the store running. That produce stand was our livelihood and our connection to the community. It’s where I learned the value of hard work and the joys and difficulties of operating a small business.

May 14, 2020

Covid, work must coexist

By Don C. Brunell Guest Columnist By now it is apparent that, barring a miracle, a cure for COVID-19 will not happen soon; however, to make it a…

May 7, 2020

Letters to the Editor for May 7, 2020

More consequences for distracted driving needed On April 11, my husband and I were on our daily walk to get outside and enjoy some fresh air. We are…