

August 27, 2020

OPINION: August Cheers & Jeers

Given the fact that most of these long, slow COVID weeks feel like we’re all swimming upstream in a river of molasses, it’s always a bit startling to look back at a month’s worth of news stories before writing this monthly Cheers & Jeers column and realize just how much has happened over the past four weeks. August, at least in Camas-Washougal, has been a month filled with Cheers-worthy news.

August 13, 2020

OPINION: Remember Trump’s vote-by-mail lies in November

It is becoming increasingly clear to anyone listening, reading or watching news sources outside the right to far-right news bubble of FOX News, The Washington Times, OAN, The Epoch Times, National Review, etc., that our president and his upper-echelon supporters may be trying to sabotage the November general election by seeding doubt about vote-by-mail systems and destroying the United States Postal Service.

August 13, 2020

Green New Deal is incomplete

Our environmental quality strategy must be encompassing and not just focus on climate change.

August 6, 2020

When not to call police

In the 911 call that led to George Floyd being killed by police, he was described as “awfully drunk and not in control of himself.” This is obviously not justification for his death — being impaired is not a capital offense. Calling attention to his impairment highlights a key factor in many incidents of police overuse of force: drug use or mental health problems by victims.

July 30, 2020

OPINION: July Cheers & Jeers

This month’s Cheers & Jeers is a little different in that we only have one of each, but since nothing in 2020 is even close to “normal,” we’re hoping our readers will forgive us.

July 30, 2020
On May 31, Portland Police officers indiscriminately fired into crowds of protesters in front of the Justice Center. (Photos by Doug Brown, courtesy of the ACLU of Oregon)

Constitutional crisis in Portland

I’ve been documenting violent and militarized police responses to protests in Portland for more than four years, but nothing prepared me for the unrestrained brutality I’ve witnessed and experienced in recent days.