

December 9, 2021

It is past time to come together on gun control

Our nation’s political divide was on stark display this week, following yet another senseless school shooting — the deadliest school shooting in the U.S. since 2018 — that stole the lives of four Michigan teenagers and traumatized hundreds of other Oxford High students forced to “run, hide or fight” a 15-year-old attacker armed with a semi-automatic handgun his father had apparently bought for him just a few days before.

December 9, 2021

Let’s face facts about gun violence in the U.S.

A day after yet another tragic school shooting, I had just finished teaching a criminology class about gun violence and how to reduce it in the United States. I found that my students have many misconceptions about the scope and nature of the problem.

December 2, 2021

Climate change, pandemic shows we’re all in this together

The less than ideal outcome of the latest climate talks in Scotland reminds us of an inconvenient truth: as yet there is no human authority on Earth powerful enough to enforce the preservation of the commons. Would any country seriously consider military invasion to stop Brazilian deforestation, up 22 percent from last year, or India’s continuing addiction to coal, or the U.S. auctioning off new leases for oil production in the Gulf of Mexico?

November 25, 2021

November Cheers & Jeers

In the spirit of giving thanks and feeling grateful this week, we’re taking a break from bad news and focusing on good-news-only in this month’s Cheers & Jeers column.

November 18, 2021

Telling the truth about the way we live now

Evonne lives in a fire lookout in Oregon, and since I meet with these graduate students on Zoom, we’ve all seen snippets of her life, including the dizzying moments when she leaps up to scan for fires while holding her tablet.

November 11, 2021

‘Build Back Better’ to support our veterans

As we pause today, on the national Veterans Day holiday, to honor all American veterans who have served this nation during times of war as well as peacetime, it is worth reflecting on how well we’re treating our veterans once they leave the military and re-enter civilian life.