

January 27, 2022

There is a good reason for sports, politics to intersect

Sporting events have been seen as virtually sacred by many. The roar of the crowd, the level of athleticism only few can achieve being expressed, the journeys taken by athletes and their teams, the fervid fan loyalty, and the countless traditions practiced add up to a unique sector of society.

January 20, 2022

Surprise group has outsized influence on public lands

This may be a surprising story. It begins with a working group trying to save the last native bighorn sheep of Idaho’s and Wyoming’s Teton Range. Last fall it reached agreement after years of effort.

January 13, 2022

A new predator stalks the West

The grizzly bear. The wolf. The cougar. These magnificent creatures, apex predators, how can we not admire them? People cross the world for the opportunity to see one in the wilds of Yellowstone or Alaska.

January 6, 2022

Consumerism vs. sustainability

With the holiday season winding to a close and the world moving forward into another new year, it may be the perfect time to reflect on our way of buying and using goods.

December 23, 2021

Give health care ‘heroes’ a gift this holiday season: listen to their cries for help

The message coming from doctors and public health officials this week is loud and clear: The omicron variant of the SARS-CoV-2 virus that causes COVID-19 is an extremely contagious virus – second only to measles with cases doubling every two to three days – and is threatening to sink our already stressed-beyond-belief health care system.

December 23, 2021

Turn federal spending away from destruction, toward actual human needs

Come on, senators. First you haggle endlessly over a “human infrastructure” bill (Build Back Better Act) that would fund actual needs of real people — too expensive, not enough money for those “Democrats’ wish list” items. Even “Democrat in Name Only” (DINO) Sen. Joe Manchin joined Republicans in that complaint.