

January 25, 2011

Proposed projects foreshadow recovery

The lights in downtown Camas will soon be a little brighter when the marquee at the Liberty Theatre will once again burn bright. The much awaited news that a lease has been signed with a new tenant to occupy the well-known building on Northeast Fourth Avenue finally came to fruition. It is a space that holds fond memories as a downtown destination spot for the many who were sad to see it close more than a year ago.

January 25, 2011

Paychecks beat unemployment checks

The hardest thing an employer has to do is to call someone into the office and tell them the business isn't making enough money to keep them on. Handing a hard worker a pink slip is tough because often the boss knows the employees and their families --their kids go to school together or they attend the same church. It is a terrible choice, but one that must be made to save the business -- and the jobs of other employees. The anguish of having to lay someone off can haunt an employer. On the other end, the hardest thing a worker endures is coming home and telling their spouse and children they lost their job. Our family has been on both ends of this scenario.

January 18, 2011

Preparing students for a competitive work force

Camas School District Superintendent Mike Nerland and two Camas High School students had the opportunity on Friday to tout to U.S. Sen. Maria Cantwell the Camas Math, Science and Technology Magnet program that is now in its fourth year, preparing to graduate its first class of students.

January 18, 2011

Letters to the Editor for Jan. 18, 2011

U.S. government must stop borrowing money The time has come to stop borrowing money to pay for U.S. government spending. The current debt limit will be reached in March. I believe the best course is to deny any further increase.

January 11, 2011

Pursuing economic vitality

The cities of Camas and Washougal, and the Port of Camas-Washougal, are charging ahead when it comes to establishing the proposed Economic Development Association. The consistent enthusiasm and vigor with which this endeavor is being pursued is good news for the local communities and its current and future residents and businesses, all of which are the intended benefactors.

January 11, 2011

Letters to the editor for Jan. 11, 2011

Door-to-door sales take a scary turn I think something needs to be done about the recent rush of pushy door to door salesmen in the area. I know several people who are scared to answer their door anymore and I don't blame them.

January 11, 2011

New Year’s resolutions for the Washougal

I was encouraged to put together a list of resolutions for the City of Washougal in early 2010 and while the list was ambitious, I am happy to report we have substantially started or completed all but two items that were on that list. I anticipate the same success on the 2011 resolutions.

January 4, 2011

Washougal city policies need reviewing

The city of Washougal is once again in the spotlight- -- and not in a good way. Police, eye witnesses and Mayor Sean Guard have given conflicting reports as to what happened on Christmas Eve as Guard was traveling on I-5, reportedly encouraging slower traffic to move out of the left lane through the use of flashing lights. What is not in question, however, is that Guard was driving a 1995 Ford Taurus that belongs to the city of Washougal to treat a family in need to breakfast and shopping. Although the act was one of kindness, Guard admits it was not an excursion associated with any kind of city business.

January 4, 2011

Letters to the Editor for Jan. 4, 2011

If allegations are true, Guard should resign If found true, Mayor Guard should resign over the abuse of his perceived station and agency power by using emergency lights whilst driving a publicly owned vehicle outside the city limits of Washougal. The state auditor should review Guard's income and expenses involving the use of the retired police cruiser, including fuel and maintenance.

December 28, 2010

To appreciate the present, take a look at the past

As 2010 comes to an end, it is natural to start to contemplate the past year, and begin looking to the future -- wondering what 2011 will bring. But, how about focusing instead on what our local history has meant for Camas and Washougal? And how the area's past has impacted its present and future? Answers to these questions and much more are available under one roof at the Two Rivers Heritage Museum in Washougal. It is truly one of the local area's best kept secrets. A place that should be explored and appreciated by the citizens of the Camas-Washougal communities that have such rich and diverse histories.