

March 15, 2011

‘Real Heroes’ are right next door

To a kid, heroes are often considered the characters who are camouflaged by mysterious masks, wear elaborate armor, and fly, catapult or otherwise transport themselves from one location to another -- saving lives and fighting crime against evil villains.

March 15, 2011

Letters to the Editor for March 15, 2011

Thankful for downtown events I have not done a good job of expressing my appreciation for events held in downtown Camas. Ms. Spencer's letter (March 8) helped me realize how much I take for granted.

March 11, 2011

School ‘levy equalization’ funds under legislative scrutiny

Most school districts in the state of Washington collect voter-approved levy funds to fill the gap between what the state allocates for education and the actual cost of quality staff and programs for students. School taxes paid by property owners are based on two metrics, the fixed dollar amount set by the district and the total assessed value of all properties within the district.

March 8, 2011

No time like the present

It seems as if the new year just began, but the upcoming 2011 elections are already on the minds of many local residents and the elected officials who may have to battle to keep their positions. While a few current elected leaders have announced their intention to seek re-election, speculation is beginning to surface about those who may want to give public service a try.

March 1, 2011

Any new fireworks laws must have teeth

After much discussion and deliberation during the past year on the issue of tweaking local fireworks regulations, the Camas City Council has finally whittled down an option that reduces the period of time fireworks can be legally discharged within city limits.

March 1, 2011

Letters to the Editor for March 1, 2011

Commissioners can improve airport Commissioner Bill Ward stated at a Feb. 15 Port meeting he doesn't want to spend Federal Aviation Administration Trust Fund money for safety improvements to Grove because he believes it's an expenditure for a special interest to benefit few.

February 22, 2011

Downtown Camas loses a signature event

The bright green light pole banners advertising the Mother's Day Plant and Garden Fair will be missing from downtown Camas this year. Instead of being held along Northeast Fourth Avenue and its side streets, as the event has for more than a decade, the 14th annual festival on May 7 is being moved several miles away to the Camas High School campus.

February 22, 2011

Letters to the Editor for Feb. 22, 2011

Keep plant fair downtown The Mother's Day Plant and Garden Fair will not be held in downtown this year and downtown merchants and community members are shocked and saddened.