

August 23, 2011

Letters to the Editor for Aug. 23, 2011

Evergreen Terrace residents are proud of their neighborhood Twenty years ago, we purchased our home in the Evergreen Terrace Neighborhood. At that time, we were informed that this was a neighborhood "in transition."

August 23, 2011

A different perspective on FAA funding

I believe it would be in the community's best interest to hear another perspective on the issues used by the Port of Camas/Washougal to not accept Federal grant funds to improve Grove Field.

August 16, 2011

Park will be an asset to the community

Today, Fallen Leaf Lake Park will be officially dedicated as the newest addition to what has become the city of Camas' long list of open spaces where members of the community can come together to recreate and enjoy the outdoors. This gem is also likely to become a regional destination spot.

August 9, 2011

Camas loses a treasured citizen

Today, Camas is without one of its most unique and influential figures. Hal Zimmerman, former publisher of the Camas-Washougal Post-Record for 23 years, state legislator for 20 years and community activist most of his life, recently fought a difficult battle against Parkinson's disease, the affliction that ultimately took his life on Thursday, Aug. 4.

August 9, 2011

Letters to the Editor for Aug. 9, 2011

Preserve Connector service I am writing to ask the citizens of Camas and Washougal to vote to approve Proposition 1 and preserve C-Tran service.

August 2, 2011

A welcome rumble heard in Camas

Listen Camas citizens...what's that sound? Could it be the rumblings of political discontent for the first time in years? In our ever polite community, where city council and school board races go unchallenged for many years, are there finally some folks who aren't content to bow courteously to incumbents?

August 2, 2011

Letter to the Editor for Aug. 2, 2011

Choose best qualified candidate After reviewing the qualifications of the candidates for Washougal City Council Position 5 this year, I am endorsing Jennifer McDaniel. She is best qualified, an experienced leader, a dedicated and contributing current council member, and an outstanding member of our community.

August 2, 2011

FAA funding would have been risky for Port

The Port of Camas-Washougal is committed to transparency in its dealings and, to that end, the commissioners wish to share the thought process that helped them reach the decision made on July 19 not to accept FAA funding for Grove Field which would have obligated the Port for an infinite period of time.