

December 22, 2011

Helping the homeless

Amid all of the holiday cheer that can be found around town -- from Christmas tree lightings and parades to visits from Santa -- it is incredibly sobering to read that two local homeless shelters that serve the Clark County area were packed to their limits on the first day they opened for the winter season on Nov. 1, and have remained steadily busy ever since.

December 22, 2011

Letters to the Editor for Dec. 20, 2011

I am not a long term resident and citizen of Washougal -- only four years and counting. But in that time I could see a community in transition.

December 22, 2011

Legislators should provide equal reductions for districts

We acknowledge that in these complicated economic times, school districts are not exempt from taking their fair share of funding cuts. We recognize that difficult decisions are being discussed surrounding the state's constitutional obligation to fund education first.

December 13, 2011

Donate blood: One way to prepare for the unexpected

If this past week's traumatic events in Washougal have taught us anything, it might be that life can take some tragic and unexpected turns, and put us in situations we never imagined possible. The truth is, we really never know what may lie just around that corner or behind that door.

December 13, 2011

Americans should get their heads out of the clouds

Americans live in an idealistic world where, no matter what happens, we'll still be able to go home at night and switch on the lights or pull into a filling station and gas up the family SUV.

December 6, 2011

Now, the work really begins

With the mandatory recount of the votes in the tight Washougal City Council Position No. 2 race finally complete, we can officially say the 2011 General Election has come to a close.

November 29, 2011

Walk & Knock on Saturday

In just a few days, one of the largest volunteer efforts in Clark County will get underway. The Walk & Knock started in 1982, by two men who simply had a desire to help those in need, an idea about how to do it, and a serious drive to make it happen.

November 29, 2011

Letters to the Editor for Nov. 29, 2011

Delavar contributes to government's dysfunction In his Nov. 22 Post-Record guest column, Washougal City Councilman Michael Delavar says he thinks Washougal's City Council should "ignore the conclusions of the strategic planning team" because "much of the work done so far has been based on a precariously unscientific survey." This is his response to the strategic planning team's second progress report at the Nov. 14 council workshop.