

September 25, 2012

Letter to the Editor for Sept. 25, 2012

CCIA would like to set the record straight Regarding Dawn Feldhaus's Sept. 11 article "Candidate's use of Grove Field parking lot generates complaints," which described 18th District Representative and candidate Liz Pike's use of the airport parking lot for her campaign fundraiser, CCIA would like to set the record straight.

September 18, 2012

Help keep C-W beautiful

It's late summer days like today -- sunny with temperatures that are expected to reach 90 degrees -- that make you realize how great it is to live in the Pacific Northwest. And Camas and Washougal are especially beautiful areas where a premium is placed on making sure there are plenty of parks, open spaces and recreational areas where people can enjoy the outdoors. Mother Nature does her part, but as citizens we must also take an active role in keeping our communities beautiful places to live, work and play. With that in mind, a number of service and community clean up events are scheduled in the coming weeks.

September 18, 2012

Letter to the Editor for Sept. 18, 2012

Vote for David Shehorn This November, Camas and the rest of the 18th District have a rare opportunity to send a qualified, considerate, intelligent and hard working person to Olympia as our representative.

September 18, 2012

For manufacturers, action speaks louder than words

Barack Obama and Mitt Romney tell voters they want manufacturers to stay in America and create new jobs. The president even promised an audience in New Hampshire that he'd create 4.5 million new jobs, half of those in manufacturing. Why all the talk about manufacturing? Our country is the world's largest manufacturing economy with 21 percent of the global manufactured goods produced here. China is second at 15 percent, and Japan is third at 12 percent.

September 11, 2012

Letters to the Editor for Sept. 11, 2012

Boys and Girls Club serves Camas and Washougal residents I am writing in response to the article in the Sept. 4 Post Record, regarding Washougal councilwoman Joyce Lindsey's desire to bring another Boys and Girls Club to our area.

September 11, 2012

The importance of remembrance

This morning, the Camas-Washougal Fire Department held its annual ceremony commemorating the terrorist attacks of Sept. 11, 2001. The heartfelt event held in Camas, thousands of miles away from the East Coast where the attacks were focused, is an illustration of the widespread impacts of these events on the United States as a country. Similar ceremonies took place around America yesterday and this morning, from Vancouver to New York City.

September 4, 2012

Be cautious of school buses and children

Traveling into work this morning, there is a noticeable difference in the scenery. It's the first day of school for children in the Camas and Washougal school districts -- those big yellow buses are everywhere and children are once again bicycling and walking to school. As we've all become used to our summer driving routines, the influx of pedestrian and school bus traffic can have an unexpected impact on local traffic flow and speed. It's a change we all need to be aware of and take seriously.

September 4, 2012

Letters to the Editor for Sept. 4, 2012

Ask questions about city code I am responding directly to Madeline Lyne's Letter to the Editor on "Land being decimated by clear-cutting" that was in the Aug. 7 Post-Record.

August 28, 2012

Keeping senior citizens safe

Readers of the Camas-Washougal Post-Record know that we often have articles about accomplishments of local men and women, high school sports coverage, local city and port news, and a little bit of everything in-between. Like any small community in America, our cities have their issues but overall most of us likely feel these communities are safe places to live. But once in a while, we are unfortunately reminded that there are some truly bad people out who take advantage of others.

August 28, 2012

Public works outsourcing: Proceed with caution

I read with interest the article in this newspaper about the city of Washougal's plans to explore the feasibility of outsourcing the work now performed by employees in its public works department. Affected public works employees would most likely be laid off and the work would be done by employees or contractors working for the outsource company. Having written about outsourcing in the legal industry and having led a delegation of lawyers to India to meet with companies doing outsourced work, I was quite surprised and concerned. I sent emails to the mayor and members of the City Council and started a Facebook page (Don't Outsource Washougal). The Mayor and one council member responded to my emails and Mayor Guard even weighed in on the Facebook page.