

December 11, 2012

In Our View: A Leader With a Smile x

Every time Bob Moser entered a room, there was this automatic easing of tensions. Representatives of even the most disparate groups seemed to sense they were about to be steered toward collaboration and compromise.Our community lost more than just a powerful consensus builder with the passing of Moser on Sunday at age 82. We also lost an all-around good guy. And with contention rising in many of today's public arenas, this loss is felt by countless people who love Clark County as much as they loved Bob.

December 11, 2012

Letters to the Editor for Dec. 11, 2012

Port is a model of local government Heather Acheson's Dec. 4 editorial, "Leaders are taking the port in the right direction" very correctly highlights the recent positive accomplishments of our Port of Camas-Washougal. However, when she says, "this group of leaders has made great strides on behalf of the port in recent years," she definitely understates the reality.

December 4, 2012

Leaders are taking the port in the right direction

Port of Camas-Washougal leaders have been making many important, strategic and smart decisions during the past few years, and recently agencies beyond the borders of Camas and Washougal have taken notice. It was announced last week that the Port of C-W had been named "Port of the Year" by the Washington Public Ports Association, which consists of 76 port districts across the state.The award, voted on by the six-member WPPA executive committee, was presented during the organization's annual meeting in Seattle. It recognizes the C-W Port's strategic planning, acquisition and development milestones.

December 4, 2012

Letters to the Editor for Dec. 4, 2012

Now is the time to invest in Washougal I have read that the city is looking over the proposed budget for 2013 in the Nov. 27 edition of the Post Record, "Washougal budget discussions continue."

November 27, 2012

Letters to the Editor for Nov. 27, 2012

Proud of WHS students I attended the Washougal High School Holiday Bazaar Nov. 17. It was great to see the different student groups participating. From students manning the Stuff the Bus table to the choir's wonderful music to the Interact Club's goodie table with the proceeds going to Uganda to even middle school students raising money for their basketball team. It was a great time shopping.

November 20, 2012

Shop local this holiday season

Most of us of us have seen the deluge of national commercials advertising "door buster sales," and heard catchy slogans designed to lure shoppers to buy, buy, buy. It's holiday shopping season, and the multi-million dollar companies are all competing for the money in our pockets.

November 20, 2012

Some politicians are gambling with our future

I was living in the San Francisco Bay Area when the 1989 6.9 Loma Prieta earthquake broke the Bay Bridge. The hardest hit areas were the bridge, the marina area of San Francisco, and in West Oakland where the double decker Cypress elevated freeway collapsed, killing 42 people. Many people wondered why the hardest hit areas were 40 miles from the epicenter of the earthquake with so little damage closer. It was explained that the areas were built on bay fill subject to liquefaction.

November 13, 2012

Ballots should be due on Election Day

Several state races on election night 2012 looked a lot like the 2004 race for governor with the races for governor, Initiative 1240 for charter schools and secretary of state being too close to call. These races ultimately wouldn't be decided until later in the week. On election night 2004, then Attorney General Chris Gregoire led state Sen. Dino Rossi by 7,000 votes. By the time all the ballots had been counted (the first time) two weeks later on Nov. 17, Rossi led Gregoire by 261. A few recounts later, Gregoire was ultimately declared the winner by a mere 133 votes. A legal challenge would uphold Gregoire's victory.

November 6, 2012

Highway 14 project is nearly finished, but more work is ahead

A couple of weeks ago, elected officials from nearly every level of government, from local city council members and the mayor to representatives from Congress and the governor's office, descended on Highway 14 in Washougal to mark the completion of the $52 million safety improvement project. Construction work had been going on for 1.5 years, but the lobbying and planning for this endeavor started many years before.