

November 12, 2013

Small business owners need to understand Affordable Care Act

The U.S. Small Business Administration is committed to educating small business owners about the facts surrounding the Affordable Care Act, so that you can make an informed decision about what makes sense for your business - including whether you choose to apply for a tax credit. Thanks to the Affordable Care Act, small businesses are benefitting from improved accountability and affordability in the health insurance market.

November 5, 2013

A step in the right direction toward suicide prevention

Youth suicide. It's an issue that no parent ever wants to imagine could touch their lives. But statistics prove that the unfortunate reality is that it does. Often unexpectedly. The Washington State Department of Health's 2012 Healthy Youth Survey, released earlier this year, unveiled some surprising statistics when it comes to youth suicide. As part of the survey, students in grades 6, 8, 10, and 12 answered questions about safety and violence, physical activity and diet, alcohol, tobacco and other drug use, and related risk and protective factors.

November 5, 2013

Lonesome Larry has lots of friends

In 1992, a single male sockeye salmon managed to swim 900 miles from the mouth of the Columbia River to Redfish Lake in Idaho's Sawtooth Mountains, the end of his migratory journey. Biologists dubbed the sole survivor, "Lonesome Larry." By 2010, the Northwest Power and Conservation Council happily reported record-setting runs for sockeye -- nearly 387,000 had climbed the fish ladders at Bonneville Dam. The numbers, which fluctuate annually, stand at 186,000 this year. The resurgence of the sockeye is not unique.

October 30, 2013

Good deeds can overshadow criminal acts

Recent vandalism perpetrated at the Camas Cemetery has tugged at the heart strings of many local residents. Last Wednesday, it was discovered that approximately 15 headstones, many of them in the southeast "pioneer section" of the cemetery, had been pushed off of their pedestals and onto the ground. On Thursday, Michael Garwood, 21, of Camas, was arrested on charges relating to the vandalism. He remains in the Clark County Jail on 15 counts of violating laws governing the protection of cemeteries and one count of second degree malicious mischief. The case remains under investigation by the Camas Police Department. Additional arrests are possible.

October 30, 2013

Letters to the Editor for Oct. 29, 2013

Vote no on ECFR proposition I recently had the opportunity to meet with Martha Martin who is running to retain her commissioner seat with East County Fire & Rescue Position 4. I know Martha to be an honest, caring, and concerned citizen of Camas-Washougal through her previous involvement with numerous local organizations.

October 22, 2013

Letters to the Editor for Oct. 22, 2013

Smith, Hogan are good for Camas Camas is a solid, forward thinking and prosperous community. One of the reasons for this is their progressive form of government that includes an experienced, balanced and most importantly, stable, City Council. With keeping a deep bench of good, hard working members of the community, Camas can be looked at as a model for other communities. Two of Camas' Council are up for re-election this November, Councilman Steve Hogan and Councilwoman Melissa Smith. I know both of these people well and admire them a great deal.

October 22, 2013

Ballots are in the mail

Ballots for the Nov. 5 General Election have been arriving in mailboxes during the past week. Of the 246,000 that have been mailed to homes across Clark County, about 9,400 have so far been returned to the Clark County Elections Office.

October 15, 2013

Letters to the Editor for Oct. 15, 2013

Washougal Prop. 1 would be an expensive mistake Proposition No. 1 in Washougal's upcoming election proposes a new and expensive city manager position to lead Washougal's municipal government. I believe it is a costly mistake promoted for the wrong reasons.

October 8, 2013

Keep Smith in the Ward 1 seat

In the Camas City Council race for Ward 1, Position 2, it is incumbent Melissa Smith who during the past nine years has earned Camas residents' vote. Smith, 54, is a third-generation Camasonian and has lived and worked in the Camas community for many years. In March 2004, she was appointed to the Camas City Council, and was then subsequently elected to the seat by voters twice in uncontested races.