

January 21, 2014

Citizens can still have a voice in how marijuana businesses will impact community

At the close of the marijuana license application submission period on Dec. 20, paperwork for more than 60 retail, producing and processing licenses had been submitted from Camas-Washougal area based businesses to the Washington State Liquor Control Board. The backgrounds of the applicants seem to vary as much as the names they chose for their potential endeavors. But at their core, all for one reason or another have a desire to get into the marijuana business. And as the applications are being processed and scrutinized by the state agency, local cities are heavily involved in their own work to establish a framework for rules, regulations and zonings that will eventually guide how these businesses will fit into the community.

January 14, 2014

Downtown Camas success story

When it comes to downtown revitalization, there is a common thread among the documented success stories: Make the experience unique for shoppers, diners, strollers, movie-goers, and other visitors and they'll continue to come back for more -- and they'll bring their friends and family. With this idea in mind, during the past dozen years downtown Camas has slowly evolved to become an emerging success story, with the potential for much more on the horizon. What makes downtown Camas unique? An illustration of that answer can be found illuminated above the front door of the Camas Gallery on Northeast Fourth Avenue.

January 14, 2014

Let’s encourage small businesses in 2014

Consumer confidence, the stock market, world events, the housing market and local political events are the significant factors impacting the entrepreneurial spirit. As I look ahead, the future seems bright for small business and anything our policy makers can do to encourage this trend will be a key to job strength and stronger sales tax revenues moving forward. Small business owners do expect better sales in 2014 and overall have a strong degree of confidence in their sales and hiring plans for 2014. The Wall Street Journal and Vistage International just completed a survey showing an uptick in 2013 small business sales results with an expectation that 2014 will be even better.

January 7, 2014

Letters to the Editor for Jan. 7, 2014

Coal, oil train hazards are not worth the risk The explosion Dec. 30 in North Dakota of an oil train was the third major oil train accident in the last 6 months.

January 7, 2014

A day to remember

Elementary schools are special places in the hearts and minds of youngsters who fill their classrooms. It's often a child's first experience with having teachers, classrooms, classmates and homework. They learn how to be good friends and responsible students, and they also receive that initial critical base education that serves as the foundation for a lifetime of learning.

December 31, 2013

2013 leaves behind many memories

With this edition of the Camas-Washougal Post-Record being published on New Year's Eve, it just seems natural to remember all of the events, people, decisions and other news that made the pages of this community newspaper during the past 52 weeks. For certain, there was no shortage of local news in 2013. Camas and Washougal city governments produced some of the most notable stories, ranging from the defeat of Proposition 1 in Washougal to the hiring of a new city administrator in Camas. In addition, Lacamas Lake Lodge and Conference Center construction began, Washougal City Council approved a utility rate reduction, Camas dealt with vandalism of its cemetery, and the consolidation of the Camas and Washougal fire departments finally became official.

December 31, 2013

CHS Hall of Fame: Gary Ostenson

During its heyday in the late 1960s and early 1970s, the Far West Classic, which was held between Christmas and New Year's Day, was considered the premier holiday college basketball tournament in the country. The FWC started in 1956 as a four-team event in Corvallis, expanded to eight teams in 1959, and moved to Portland's Memorial Coliseum in 1960. Over the years the guest list included national powerhouses -- North Carolina, Indiana, Michigan, Princeton -- and more obscure programs, such as the Dartmouth Big Green and the Billikens of St. Louis.

December 26, 2013

Agreement represents a major accomplishment

"Failure is not an option." This statement was made by Mayor Scott Higgins following the recent approval by the Camas City Council of the 10-year inter-local agreement that officially merges the Camas and Washougal fire departments to create one unified entity. The unanimous vote was the final step in a process that has spanned more than two years.

December 17, 2013

Family Resource Center provides valuable services

Last night, the Washougal City Council made the right decision to include funding for the East County Family Resource Center in its 2014 budget, as it has done for the past several years. For the second year, the issue of whether the city of Washougal should provide funding to this non-profit social services organization became a topic of discussion and debate during budget talks. This time around, the concern primarily focused on where young women who think they may be pregnant and need a pregnancy test are referred to for additional services. The answer is Sea Mar Community Health Centers, which gives pregnant women information that lays out all options. This could include abortion, in addition to adoption and becoming a parent. According to Sea Mar officials, women are not encouraged to make a particular choice.

December 17, 2013

Letters to the Editor for Dec. 17, 2013

Quality public education benefits all The dust has settled since the November election and as we head into a new year, I am thankful to the citizens of Camas who voted for me. Although I didn't win a director seat on the Camas School Board, I did appreciate the opportunity to seek the position representing the Camas community. My husband Ryan has been so supportive and patient and our three daughters have learned so much from my experience including the notion that in life we do the right thing, even if it is the hard thing.