

February 18, 2014

Impact of additional school funding could prove pivotal

It didn't come with a whole lot of fanfare, but on Tuesday night something pretty important happened in Washougal -- something likely to have a significant impact on youth and the greater community for years to come.

February 11, 2014

Give school transportation officials a break

The Clark County area is just now recovering from one of the longest stretches of nasty winter weather in recent years. City crews, including public works employees and emergency responders, were kept on their toes throughout the weekend, taking care of problems ranging from frozen pipes and sewer alarms to car accidents and other medical emergencies.

February 11, 2014

Let voters decide on super-majority for tax increases

Last February, the Washington Supreme Court in a 6-3 ruling overturned the five-time voter-approved requirement that tax increases receive a supermajority vote of the Legislature or voter approval. In the past, when the court has invalidated a law passed by the people, the Legislature has sought to implement what the people want; Initiative 695 reducing car tab costs and Initiative-747 limiting property tax increases are recent examples.

February 4, 2014

Caring for the Camas Cemetery

Three months after the Camas Cemetery was vandalized, the final step in the effort to make a wrong, right again was put into place.

February 4, 2014

Letters to the Editor for Feb. 4, 2014

Chamber supports school levies The Camas-Washougal Chamber of Commerce is in support of the two Washougal School District replacement levies that will be up for vote on Feb. 11. These are not new taxes. These levies will replace the funding of the maintenance and operations levy and technology levy expiring in 2014. The state covers about 80 percent of funding needed for schools and these levies will bridge the gap to cover the other 20 percent.

January 28, 2014

Yes on Washougal schools’ M&O and tech levies

Washougal voters will be asked to approve two school replacement levies on Feb. 11. A three-year maintenance and operations (M&O) levy totaling approximately $19.6 million over three years, 2015 to 2017, will replace the current levy expiring in 2014. Local levy dollars make up more than 20 percent of the school district budget providing money for programs not fully funded by the state. Student health and safety, sports programs, extracurricular learning,

January 28, 2014

Letters to the Editor for Jan. 28, 2014

I am proud of the quality education that my two children received from Washougal public schools. Without hesitation I will support the M&O and technology levies. These dollars will be directly used to support campus security, student health, performing arts, sports teams, technology, facility maintenance and community education.

January 28, 2014

‘Build it, and they will com’

We moved from Bemidji, Minn., in 1986 and chose Camas for a number of reasons. But upon looking around, I wondered where the tourist sites were. Where are the statues? What I didn't realize at the time was the same beauty that attracted us is in fact the tourist area of the entire Pacific Northwest.