

March 25, 2014

Protecting those who cannot protect themselves

The Camas-Washougal Post-Record recently chronicled the story of Camas sisters Kimberly Abell and Jennifer Chilton, two incredible women who lived through brutal childhoods to become strong wives, mothers, individuals and citizens. After years of abuse at the hands of their father, they testified against him and he was put in prison. After being released early, he attempted to contact them. Disturbed that this was not against the law, Abell and Chilton worked to change the laws first in California and recently here in Washington.

March 25, 2014

Legal pot in Camas needs citizen input

OK Mayor Scott Higgins, you asked for it. No, you're not in trouble with me. Actually, I have only good things to say about your recent call for input from citizens on Initiative 502 which legalized recreational use of marijuana in our state. Input from local citizens will be critical on how implementation of I-502 should -- or should not -- impact our local community.

March 18, 2014

‘Selfie’ project will inspire important discussion

There is no doubt that women have made some incredible strides during the past century. Once denied the right to vote, own property, attend school or hold jobs in certain professions, all of these opportunities are now open to both men and women without discrimination. And they now represent just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to what women can and do achieve through hard work and determination.

March 11, 2014

Proceed slowly with waterfront project

The idea of an active and bustling waterfront in Washougal is an exciting concept to think about, and efforts to make this happen in the future continue to take small, but important steps forward.

March 11, 2014

Public education bill would be costly

Superintendent of Public Instruction Randy Dorn has proposed a bill that would impose two major tax increases on residents in Washington to raise more money for public education. Calling his proposed tax increases a "blunt but necessary instrument," Dorn says the new taxes are needed to provide "full funding" for K-12 public education, in response to the supreme court's January 2012 McCleary v. State of Washington decision.

March 4, 2014

Drug addiction is a community problem

Dianne and Darin Van Dyken are lucky to be alive. As profiled in an article in today's Post-Record, before the two met in 2012, they had both had serious addictions to drugs and alcohol. The destructive paths they chose to take in their lives led to very dark places. Darin ended up in what he describes as "the ghetto," essentially homeless and dealing drugs to survive, while Dianne had attempted suicide and was eventually arrested for driving under the influence of intoxicants -- her blood alcohol level pushed to a point that could have been deadly. Both had several unsuccessful attempts to get clean.

February 25, 2014

Letters to the Editor for Feb. 25, 2014

City Council should support I-502 in Camas The demand for marijuana is spinning off enormous profits for drug cartels, for gangs, and for illegal dealers. Allowing regulated marijuana sales in Camas would allow us to refocus limited city resources on more important priorities and would redirect millions of dollars that are currently flowing to criminal organizations each year to legitimate businesses and provide a source of additional revenue for Camas.

February 25, 2014

Knowledge is powerful

Knowledge, understanding and compassion are power. This concept can be applied to many facets of life, but particularly when it comes to those aspects that make us different from one another.