

August 5, 2014

Elections matter

As of this morning, Primary Election Day, of the 251,730 ballots mailed to Clark County voters, only 55,466 have been returned.

August 5, 2014

It’s Not Easy Being Green

Reducing mankind's carbon footprint has become the defining issue of our time and rightly so. Virtually every level of government has policies to reduce greenhouse gases by regulating everything from industrial CO2 emissions to cow flatulence.

July 30, 2014

The road to happy living, is under construction

"Build it, and they will come," is the theme from the movie, "Field of Dreams." And it also seems like it could be a mantra of what's happening in Camas recently. I'm not talking about building a baseball field in the middle of our hiking trails, I am referring to the different landscape taking place in our own little Shangri-la.

July 29, 2014

Citizens input needed to outline vision

Decades ago, when Camas was still considered by many to be a small, sleepy mill town, local community leaders had a vision. Since that time, new industries have made their way into the landscape, and along with them new homes, neighborhoods, schools, roads and other infrastructure, parks and trails, and businesses of all varieties.

July 29, 2014

Letters to the Editor for July 29, 2014

Replacement of Crown Park pool is a better option In the Tuesday, July 8, edition of the Post-Record, an article highlighted the City Council workshop discussion of the possible purchase of Lacamas Swim & Sport by the City of Camas.

July 22, 2014

Get ready for Camas Days

It's that time of year again. It's summertime and Camas Days is just around the corner. Camas-Washougal Chamber of Commerce staff and many volunteers work for months to prepare for and put on this event, which highlights the many special attributes of this small community.

July 22, 2014

Let’s modernize workforce development

From impromptu negotiations down the hall to discussions on the subway to the Capitol, sometimes, something as simple as having offices next door to one another can make all the difference in Congress these days.

July 15, 2014

Use caution when swimming in local waterways

During the past few weeks, temperatures have begun to heat up. It's the time of year when many are drawn to the area's natural waterways. Pacific Northwest residents are blessed to have access to rivers, streams, lakes and ponds to enjoy from afar and to cool off in up close.

July 15, 2014

Commissioners’ mining overlay vote is a good first step

I had the honor of seeing our county government and citizens in action lately when I was invited to give the Invocation at the County Commissioners meeting last month on June 3. I had picked the date at random and arrived to find a packed hearing and the kind of testimony that makes your hands shake and your voice crack. Almost everyone in the room was there because they felt their families, their homes, and their quality of life was at stake. The tension was palpable.