Letters to the Editor: Oct. 19, 2023
Former Camas city administrator is voting Carter, Nohr, Svilarich for Camas City Council
Former Camas city administrator is voting Carter, Nohr, Svilarich for Camas City Council
With just a few weeks until the Nov. 7 election that will select mayors in both Camas and Washougal and could alter the makeup of the Camas City Council, our…
Goats are particularly good at one thing: Eating. Unlike a horse or cow that leaves noxious weeds behind, goats eat the whole menu of pesky weeds, bushes and small trees. That means goats can be one of the answers to the growing problem of tinder-dry, highly flammable forests.
Steve Hogan is Camas’ community mayor
Dozens of TVs, refrigerators, stoves, washers, dryers and abandoned cars had either been gunshot, torched or both. This place of destruction was what some locals called “Carnage Canyon,” roughly 30 acres off Lefthand Canyon in Boulder County, Colorado.
“I’d shut down the government if they can’t make an appropriate deal, absolutely,” Donald Trump said Sept. 14, on Meet the Press.
We are currently facing three interrelated existential crises:
The state of labor this year is so fraught, so weighted with issues and problems, that a single day of homage and reflection doesn’t seem enough. It’s as if a year or more is needed to engage the issues, challenges, and possibilities facing American workers today. Consider the following:
Reader questions city’s environmental ruling on paper mill demolition
I felt like a second-class citizen when the United States Supreme Court ended the constitutional right to abortion last summer.