

November 18, 2014

Nourishing the body and mind

In June 2003, the Lost and Found Cafe opened its doors and began serving meals to the hungry and homeless in Camas-Washougal.

November 18, 2014

Letters to the Editor for Nov. 18, 2014

Was wind storm damage a natural occurrence or man-made? The wind storm this past Tuesday/Wednesday was nothing new. We have had these types of storms every year. We occasionally lost a tree. But this one was very different.

November 11, 2014

A dedication to service that lasts a lifetime

This morning, red, white and blue American flags in honor of Veterans Day, as well as black flags recognizing prisoners of war and those missing in action, lined Northeast Fourth Avenue in downtown Camas.

November 11, 2014

Letters to the Editor for Nov. 11, 2014

Legislators should support family caregiver program As a Washington State Council on Aging member, I send this letter because November is National Family Caregivers Month. Each year, more of us are caring for a loved one with a chronic condition, disability or simply the frailties of old age.

November 4, 2014

Letters to the Editor for Nov. 4, 2014

Help guide Camas' development Recently, the Camas City Council has considered multiple issues that could potentially change the way we view Camas.

October 28, 2014

It’s decision time

With a week to go until the General Election, candidates, as well as supporters of the wide variety of levies and propositions are beginning the final push.

October 28, 2014

Letters to the Editor for Oct. 28, 2014

It is time to modernize Clark County government As background, prior to retiring in 2013, I served for 24 years as Camas' first city administrator, and prior to that for seven years as city manager of an Oregon community. My interest in modernizing the structure of local government led me to be a candidate for Freeholder in the east Clark County, seat number 2 position last fall.

October 21, 2014

Washougal levies will improve service levels

Propositions 5 and 6 are the emergency services issues that many city of Washougal residents will be casting their votes on starting this week, as ballots begin arriving in mailboxes.

October 21, 2014

Letters to the Editor for Oct. 21, 2014

Camas needs to prioritize spending In response to the article "Camas City Hall will get a fresh coat of paint" in the Oct. 7 issue of the Post-Record, I was pleased to see that the city is maintaining its municipal building and adding a little color to the project.