Letters to the Editor: July 20, 2023
Skamania PUD ratepayers’ votes are power
Skamania PUD ratepayers’ votes are power
Former city councilor: school levies are vital to future of Washougal
To be the type of community that prioritizes its kids, vote ‘yes’ on WSD levies Imagine cutting 18% out of your household budget. What would you have to…
In support of local school bonds, levies
Keep Washougal a stable community, vote ‘yes’ to WSD’s replacement levies
WHS grad urges voters to ‘do the right thing,’ approve school levies
Americans must ‘look honestly at history’
‘Vote yes’ to Washougal School District replacement levies on Feb. 14 ballot As a parent, volunteer, and longtime supporter of our Washougal Schools, I encourage everyone to vote…
Unpaid caregiver grateful for new WA Cares Fund
Youth vote will favor officials who push for stronger gun control to make cities, school safer