
Letters to the Editor

May 7, 2013

Letters to the Editor for May 7, 2013

Paid, volunteer firefighters deserve recognition I have been a volunteer victim at Port of Camas-Washougal emergency drills three times now, including at events held at the industrial park, the airport and the marina. Each time has been fun, rewarding and educational.

April 23, 2013

Letters to the Editor for April 23, 2013

WFD volunteer program in trouble? I write this letter in an attempt to convey my thoughts and fear in regards to the consolidation of the Camas and Washougal fire departments.

April 9, 2013

Letters to the Editor for April 9, 2013

County Commissioners should not endorse religion It is coercive for officials of government agencies, whose salaries are paid by all taxpayers, to open their meetings with a "prayer" in facilities that are paid for by all taxpayers.

April 2, 2013

Letters to the Editor for April 2, 2013

Washougal should stay neutral on CRC As a concerned citizen of Washougal, I am opposed to have my city create any kind of a resolution, pro or con, concerning the CRC project. This is a collaborative project that is 11 years in the making, legislatively it concerns the state of Oregon and the state of Washington and our federal government.

March 5, 2013

Letter to the Editor for March 5, 2013

Coal trains are not wanted Recently in Hood River, the coal interests with the help of a public relations firm held multiple sessions at a local hotel. There were 10-12 participants per session for what appeared to be an attempt by them to understand why we don't want 1.5 mile long coal trains going through the country's only national scenic area.

February 26, 2013

Letters to the Editor for Feb. 26, 2013

The realities of gun laws and school security Laws are nothing but words in a document that the majority of the general public doesn't know exists, or what they are, because they don't need to. And those that do know and choose to obey them are not criminals. Laws don't stop criminals or people with a mission to commit an unlawful act. They only allow law enforcement agencies to investigate, arrest and fine, or kill, someone who violates one of them.

February 19, 2013

Letters to the Editor for Feb. 19, 2013

No guns in schools Responding to the Feb. 12 letter to the editor from Robert R. Larimer Jr., he writes in his closing statement, "It is really the only way to save their lives" (with respect to putting guns in the hands of teachers and referencing our children).

February 12, 2013

Letters to the Editor for Feb. 12, 2013

Support HB 1788 State Representative Liz Pike’s new Bill, HB 1788, would make it lawful for trained school personnel to carry concealed in public schools, just as one out of 15 Washington state citizens now legally possess concealed carry licenses and are able to carry in public places.

February 7, 2013

Letters to the Editor for Feb. 5, 2013

Levy dollars benefit Camas kids I heard a comment the other day that got me a little rankled. After seeing the "Vote Camas Schools" signs the comment was "Here they go again, asking for more money. Didn't they just do this a little while ago?"

January 29, 2013

Letters to the Editor for Jan. 29, 2013

The citizens of Washington have spoken so this session of the legislature will begin the transfer of precious tax dollars from public education to charter schools. Never mind that charter schools' student achievements are similar to public schools. That is of minor importance. The important item is easy money.