

March 31, 2015

Transportation Benefit District is needed for railroad overpass in Washougal

Any of our Washougal-area residents who have waited recently for long trains to pass through town, or those unfortunate enough to be backed all the way onto state Route 14 trying to get to the 32nd Street railroad crossing, know how convenient it would be if we had a second overpass closer to the east side of town. A second crossing will also increase safety in our community by providing an additional route for emergency vehicles to get over the railroad.

March 24, 2015

Traffic signal is the best solution

We appreciate that the Camas City Council is considering a solution to the dangerous traffic situation that exists at the intersection of Northwest Sixth Avenue and Norwood Street.

March 17, 2015

What’s your excuse?

People make all kinds of excuses for all kinds of things. Some are valid and some are, let's say, just made up. "My dog ate my homework," or "I forgot to set my clock ahead," are just a couple of excuses that make one think of the fine line between circumstance and withholding the total truth.

March 3, 2015

WSU medical school would benefit community

I am proudly both a Husky and a Coug. With the exception of one day a year, this distinction has been a great advantage for me both personally and professionally.

December 30, 2014

Counting our blessings

It's that time of year when we count our blessings. In America, they are abundant, especially this year.

December 23, 2014

Tis the season to be distracted

This is the time of year where I try to remain happy while dealing through the hectic holiday activities. Many of you, like me, try to slow down enough to enjoy the moment and count our blessings. Still, many try to hurry through what is needed to be done.

December 9, 2014

Not just one day, but a lasting commitment

Let me first state the obvious. Veterans Day is for those who return from war. Memorial Day is for those who have not survived. Two days to remind us in a multitude of ways how to remember, and also act. Our veterans need us now.

November 25, 2014

Taking a stand

In April 1948, Soroptimist International of Camas-Washougal was chartered.