

September 1, 2015
Margaret Svilar

Locally grown, and proud of it

In approximately 19 days, I will be moving my youngest offspring to college. He is a locally grown and sustainable product of the Camas area. Even though my oldest has been in college for three years and also a product of Camas, the last little birdie to leave the nest always has a lingering significance.

August 25, 2015

Some are attempting to block mental health care reform

The bipartisan Helping Families in Mental Health Crisis Act, HR2646, introduced in June by Rep. Tim Murphy and Rep. Eddie Bernice Johnson, has come under attack. The purpose of the legislation is to resolve a number of problems within our mental health care system, particularly for the treatment of America's seriously mentally ill. The measures within this legislation would effectively improve treatment and outcomes for those with severe brain diseases ultimately resulting in a significant reduction in homelessness and incarcerations.

June 2, 2015

Where was Rep. Liz Pike?

My mother and many of her relatives were teachers and several of the newer generation family relatives followed their parents into the education field.

May 19, 2015

Is this progress?

Like many citizens of Clark County, I have become increasingly alarmed over the proposed unrestrained growth that is taking place in East Clark County. We see a pro-growth planning process that is leading parts of our county into an environmental future we may not recognize or desire to live in. This kind of massive growth places unnecessary burdens on the people who already live here.

May 5, 2015

The ‘buzz’ about bees

Although the "buzz" about bee declines makes headlines, excites public concern and warrants a White House Task Force on the health of honey bees and other pollinators, bees are still in jeopardy.