

February 16, 2016

Answer not entirely ‘blowin’ in wind’

In 1962, songwriter Bob Dylan composed "The answer, my friend, is blowin' in the wind." It was a Vietnam War protest song suggesting the ambiguous answer to ending war and living in peace and harmony was "blowin' in the wind"....somewhere.

December 15, 2015

Extra patrols target DUI drivers

Ask 10 people to name their favorite time of year, and it's very likely that more than half will mention the holiday season.

November 17, 2015

Camas School District’s process for managing growth was transparent, inclusive

The Camas School Board is considering a capital program bond initiative which would be put before voters in the Feb. 9, 2016, special election. The lion's share of the roughly $120 million proposal would address the significant overcrowding at Camas High School and site a new Lacamas Heights elementary located where the new growth will be on the north side of Lacamas Lake.

November 3, 2015

Camas needs a second comprehensive high school

In case you aren't aware, on Nov. 9 the Camas School Board will be holding a workshop open to the public at Zellerbach Administrative Center to put the finishing touches on a $120 million school construction bond. That school bond will then be voted on by our School Board members at their Nov. 23 board meeting. After the Board approves it, the bond will be put before us voters in February.

October 6, 2015

A plea to change our mental health system

Another school shooting frays our communal nerves. While tragedies involving violence grab the public's attention, there is a quieter story that plays out in homes across the nation. Frequently, and out of public view, families watch as loved ones deteriorate before their eyes, spiraling deeper into delusion and dysfunction. As they lurch from crisis to crisis, family and friends are helpless to intervene; frustrated by a system that gives them few options.

September 29, 2015

Making ‘Sunshine Week’ every week

The Tenth "Sunshine Week" ended about six month ago, on March 21. This annual celebration of open government was created by the American Society of News Editors with a grant from the John L. and James S. Knight Foundation. Now co-sponsored by ASNE and the Reporters Committee for Freedom of the Press, Sunshine Week is intended to highlight the importance of open government around the country. All indications pointed to the fact that this year's Sunshine Week was one of the best yet. In Washington, DC and throughout the country, people found new and innovative ways to make people think about transparency (my personal favorite was the brewing of "Sunshine Wheat" beer - the first beer of Sunshine Week).

September 15, 2015
Bruce Stanton

Public needs to become educated on McCleary decision

'The Washington Constitution imposes only one "paramount duty" upon the State: "to make ample provision for the education of all children residing within its borders, without distinction or preference on account of race, color, caste, or sex."' (McCleary 2015, p 1) That is the first sentence of the Supreme Court of Washington's filing on Aug. 13, 2015. And this "paramount duty" has been and is chronically violated by the Washington legislature.

September 8, 2015

Keep school bus safety laws in mind

Several years ago, the Post-Record ran a letter to the editor from a Washougal resident who recounted a traumatic childhood experience involving a serious collision between a child and a vehicle. The driver behind the wheel did not obey laws aimed at protecting youngsters as they board and disembark from the school bus.