

May 3, 2018

‘Bee City’ Buzz: Helping bees thrive

They were not making it easy. They could have landed on a low, dangling branch. I have a lot of those in my yard. But they landed on four old, decaying fence boards. I “guesstimated” they numbered over 30,000 — a fine spring swarm of beautiful, amber-colored honeybees.

April 19, 2018

Trade war may hit Washington hard

Any trade war between the United States and China is worrisome, but if it escalated and tariffs are imposed, it will hit Washington particularly hard. Avoiding that possibility should be our primary goal.

April 12, 2018

Water pressure mounting in West

As we deal with our population growth, we must address sufficient supplies of drinkable fresh water for residential, commercial, agriculture, fisheries and industrial needs.

March 22, 2018

China now driving car market

In the 1950s, America’s “Big Three” automakers (General Motors, Ford and Chrysler) were the pacesetters for our industrial dominance. They had the skilled workers, financing, mass production technology, sales networks, supply chains and customer base. In short, they had it all.

March 15, 2018

Majority oppose military spending increase, but U.S. government is boosting it to record levels

Early this February, the Republican-controlled Congress passed and President Donald Trump signed new federal budget legislation that increased U.S. military spending by $165 billion over the next two years. Remarkably, though, a Gallup public opinion poll, conducted only days before, found that only 33 percent of Americans favored increasing U.S. military spending, while 65 percent opposed it, either backing reductions (34 percent) or maintenance of the status quo (31 percent).

February 8, 2018

Explaining city’s ‘difficult decision’ on Crown Park pool closure, demo

The difficult decision has been made to not open Crown Park Pool this summer, and, furthermore, to remove the structure this year. We would like to give you the background that led to this outcome and to address questions we have received. It is our sincerest hope to share the many reasons the course we are taking has been chosen.