

July 4, 2019

One-year levy lid lift critical to ECFR

By Martha Martin Guest Columnist To the voters in the East County Fire and Rescue (ECFR) District — we heard you. Requesting a five-year lid lift last year…

June 20, 2019

Family businesses America’s backbone

During the 1992 presidential campaign, then-candidate Bill Clinton famously intoned, “I feel your pain,” reassuring voters he understood what they were going through. Since then, similar statements of empathy have become a staple for politicians. But it doesn’t always ring true for every constituent.

June 13, 2019
Rob Okun

Father’s Day and a woman’s right to choose

The old bumper sticker “Keep Your Laws Off of My Body” isn’t old and isn’t a bumper sticker. It’s a chilling reality for women today. And Father’s Day is a perfect time for men to wake up to women’s reality — to stand up and speak out on behalf of women’s reproductive health and rights.

June 6, 2019

Max jet fix critical for Washington

Last January, Boeing was poised for another record year. The company’s order book burst at the seams. Things seem to be going Boeing’s way.

May 30, 2019

Could Seattle host World’s Fair today?

On April 21, 1962, the Seattle World’s Fair opened. The “Century 21 Exhibition” ran for six months, drew 11 million visitors, turned a profit and left the Northwest with a wonderful Seattle Center.

May 23, 2019

Washington’s big tax bump

With the dust settling from the 2019 legislative session, the focus is assessing the impacts on taxpayers and our economy.

May 16, 2019

Climate change, nukes pose dual threat

This year marks the 49th anniversary of the first Earth Day. This comes 50 years after the Santa Barbara, California, oil spills, which were instrumental in the declaration of the first Earth Day. The fate of our planet remains threatened by two inextricably connected threats, that of climate change and nuclear war. We cannot pretend to be concerned about our environment if we are not simultaneously concerned about the destruction of the planet by nuclear war.

May 9, 2019

Certificated staff deserve recognition

Our Washougal teachers are at the “heart” of this district’s success and we are thankful for their dedication and commitment to our students.

May 9, 2019

Reducing e-waste requires innovation

“One of the biggest challenges of the 21st Century is dealing with the progress of the 20th Century — especially old computers, monitors, cellular phones and televisions. These appliances depend on potentially hazardous materials, such as mercury, to operate. After a five-to-eight year useful life, many are tossed into dumpster and sent to landfills where they can leach into the soil and groundwater.”

May 2, 2019

State must pay its share for elections

Providing for the public’s safety and elections that are accurate, transparent accountable and accessible are two of Clark County’s highest priorities. However, because the Washington State Legislature continues to refuse to pay its fair share of election costs, it is increasingly difficult to properly fund these.