

January 13, 2022

A new predator stalks the West

The grizzly bear. The wolf. The cougar. These magnificent creatures, apex predators, how can we not admire them? People cross the world for the opportunity to see one in the wilds of Yellowstone or Alaska.

January 6, 2022

Consumerism vs. sustainability

With the holiday season winding to a close and the world moving forward into another new year, it may be the perfect time to reflect on our way of buying and using goods.

December 23, 2021

Turn federal spending away from destruction, toward actual human needs

Come on, senators. First you haggle endlessly over a “human infrastructure” bill (Build Back Better Act) that would fund actual needs of real people — too expensive, not enough money for those “Democrats’ wish list” items. Even “Democrat in Name Only” (DINO) Sen. Joe Manchin joined Republicans in that complaint.

December 9, 2021

Let’s face facts about gun violence in the U.S.

A day after yet another tragic school shooting, I had just finished teaching a criminology class about gun violence and how to reduce it in the United States. I found that my students have many misconceptions about the scope and nature of the problem.

December 2, 2021

Climate change, pandemic shows we’re all in this together

The less than ideal outcome of the latest climate talks in Scotland reminds us of an inconvenient truth: as yet there is no human authority on Earth powerful enough to enforce the preservation of the commons. Would any country seriously consider military invasion to stop Brazilian deforestation, up 22 percent from last year, or India’s continuing addiction to coal, or the U.S. auctioning off new leases for oil production in the Gulf of Mexico?

November 18, 2021

Telling the truth about the way we live now

Evonne lives in a fire lookout in Oregon, and since I meet with these graduate students on Zoom, we’ve all seen snippets of her life, including the dizzying moments when she leaps up to scan for fires while holding her tablet.

November 11, 2021

The problem with vaccine mandates

I live near Middlefield, Ohio, the center of the fourth-largest Amish settlement in America. I regularly see the horse and buggy operations on the road. Who am I to tell these people that I know better about how they should live than they do? Very few Amish people are getting the COVID vaccine and Amish communities have experienced some of the state’s highest rates of infection and deaths, but they are living according to their faith and God’s will.