When Nick Calais and Tami Weidert, a Camas area couple, first attended Camas’ First Friday event in 2014 they instantly felt welcomed to the community.
There are several important components for a successful children’s art program — acrylic paint, glue sticks and markers in colorful shades such as sunset orange, yellow blaze and deep sea blue, as well as an enthusiastic teacher and youngsters who are eager to learn.
Gracie Gundlach and Sitara Shankar first noticed each other’s familiar faces during practice for the Rose City Youth Orchestra in Portland last year.
When Maria Grazia Repetto moved from her native Italy to the Pacific Northwest in 1995, she immediately fell in love with eastern Washington’s cowboy-country charm and Seattle’s moody, rain-soaked landscapes.
It’s closing time for 2017, and with that come the new year’s resolutions for 2018.
It’s one of the coldest days of the year, but the sun is radiant and the air invigorating — and we all know that the never-ending rains are coming our way — so it’s not too surprising to see a few cars parked at the Steigerwald Lake National Wildlife Refuge, just outside Washougal’s eastern city limits, off Highway 14.
With a member list that reads like a textbook of the world’s most powerful men — including George Washington, Benjamin Franklin, J. Edgar Hoover, Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, Winston Churchill, Jesse Jackson, Salvador Allende, John Wayne, Shaquille O’Neal and all of the Ringling brothers — a 500-year history shrouded in secrecy and “door keepers,” who literally guard two sets of doors to ensure no interlopers pass into the inner sanctum of the masonic lodge, it’s little wonder conspiracy theories envelop the world of the freemasons.
Don James says he knew he’d found his tribe the very first time he walked into a dog show.
Camas Christian Academy students recently received a challenge: collect as many supplies they could for the West Columbia Gorge Humane Society within just one week. The outcome? Two vans full…