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Camas Lions give back to community

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The Camas Lions Club has had a busy few months giving back to the community. In February, the Lions from around Clark County gathered at the Staudinger collection site to sort through donated eyeglasses, prior to sending the glasses to the Northwest Lions Eyeglass Recycling Center to help those living in lower- and middle-income countries have access to basic eye care services. 

On Feb. 18, for the second year, Camas Lions members answered the call for all nature enthusiasts and community heroes to roll up their sleeves and plant native trees, helping to restore a valuable green space in the heart of Camas. The Camas Lions Club, in partnership with the Watershed Alliance of Southwest Washington, joined 142 other community volunteers Feb. 18, for a day of environmental action at Camas’ old WaferTech, now TSMC, campus. In under three hours, this band of enthusiastic, earth-loving volunteers planted 1,390 native trees and shrubs, transforming a portion of the TSMC property into a future native woodland that will benefit both the environment and the local community. 

On Feb. 29, the Camas Lions marked leap year day by delivering a $1,000 grant check to the Camas- Washougal Parent Co-op Preschool to improve the school’s security system. This grant opportunity was made possible through a partnership with the Camas-Washougal Community Chest, a philanthropic organization that collects and distributes donations from businesses, workers and residents to local charities making the greatest impact in the community. 

Also this year, the Camas Lions Foundation was matched with the local preschool co-op because of its relevance to the Lion’s global youth causes. The Co-op delivers an immersive experience for youth and was born out of WWII as a safe and engaging place for preschool children of mothers working in the local shipyards (think Rosie the Riveter). Their mission is to provide a positive introductory learning experience for young children to prepare them for elementary education through a cooperative effort between teachers, students, & families. The CWCC partnership highlights the continuing effort by the Camas Lions to join with other community service organizations to supercharge its ability to deliver the right service to those in the most need. 

The Camas Lions also contributed to the Treasure House’s weekend backpack program, which helps children in need and their families have access to food on the weekends.