
Commission on Aging continues emergency preparedness series July 17

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The Clark County Commission on Aging continues the “Prepare in a Year” discussion series this month with a meeting about knowing your community. Experts from Clark County Regional Emergency Services Agency (CRESA) will discuss the topic and answer questions from the audience. The meeting will be held 4:30 pm Wednesday, July 17.

Commission on Aging meetings are currently held in a hybrid format with both in-person and virtual participation options. Attend in the sixth-floor Training Room of the Public Service Center, 1300 Franklin St., Vancouver, or join by phone or computer through information provided online at:

Commission meetings are carried on CVTV Channel 23/323 and online at To see replay times, visit

The Commission on Aging, supported by the Clark County Council, is a nine-member volunteer group that implements the Aging Readiness Plan and provides leadership addressing needs of aging community members.