Hometown Holidays, tree lighting in downtown Camas set for Friday, Dec. 6
Next up is the Hometown Holidays event in downtown Camas, which begins at 5 p.m. Friday, Dec. 6, with the annual lighting of the tree outside Liberty Theatre at 315 N.E. Fourth Ave., and continues through 8 p.m. that evening with entertainment provided by school and community choirs, school bands and student dancers, photos with Santa Claus (bring a camera), street food vendors, extended shopping and dining hours at participating merchants and crafts for children.
The Friends and Foundation of the Camas Library will hold its annual winter book sale in conjunction with the Hometown Holidays event coordinated and hosted by Camas Parks and Recreation.
The book sale will take place Thursday through Sunday, Dec. 5-8, in the library’s second-story meeting rooms, at 625 N.E. Fourth Ave., in downtown Camas.
For more information, visit camaslibraryfriends.org/book-sales.
The Hometown Holidays event, held in conjunction with the Downtown Camas Association’s monthly First Friday festivities, is free and open to all, thanks to the financial support of Columbia Credit Union, Windermere Camas, iQ Credit Union, Downtown Camas Association, Lutz Hardware and in-kind donors and volunteers. In addition, various restaurants and food vendors will be open to purchase food.
The Camas School District will provide a free parking shuttle from 4:30 to 8:30 p.m. Friday, with four color-coded parking lots within one mile of downtown Camas available for people to leave their vehicles behind and arrive in the heart of downtown Camas between Camas City Hall and the Camas library. For more information, visit cityofcamas.us/parksrec and click on the “Special Events” tab.