
Clark County climate coalition to meet Aug. 5

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category icon Clark County, Environment, Latest News, News

The Clark County Climate Project Environmental Justice Coalition will meet at 3:30 p.m. Monday, Aug. 5, in Room 698 of the Public Service Center, 1300 Franklin St., Vancouver. The meeting also can be viewed online, with virtual meeting log-on information available at

The Environmental Justice Coalition (EJC) consists of 15 community based organizations. The group is helping the county meet the public engagement and environmental justice requirements of the state of Washington’s new Climate Change Planning legislation, in which the county is now required to add a “climate element” to its comprehensive plan. The legislation emphasizes that planning and policy decisions related to climate change do not impact us all in the same way. The EJC is one of three advisory groups supporting the county’s climate project.

EJC meetings are held at 3:30 p.m. the first Monday of each month. While EJC members typically attend virtually, meetings are held in a hybrid format with both in-person and virtual participation options. Attend in Room 698 of the Public Service Center, 1300 Franklin St., or join virtually through information provided at

The meeting is open to the public and includes a brief public comment period. A recording of the meeting will also be available for viewing afterwards.

To learn more about county climate planning, sign up for project updates, submit a comment, review meeting recordings, or learn about future environmental justice coalition meetings, visit

The county’s climate project is funded by a state grant. For more information, visit