The ability to solve complex problems is a sign of maturity, intelligence and, some would argue, what separates humans from other species. Difficult questions can engage perception, knowledge, problem solving, judgment, language and memory.
A fair bit of money is deducted from your pay, withheld as income tax. The aggregate of all that tax money is what is known as discretionary spending, the tax money that Congress can debate and decide how much to allocate to various government services and programs every year. It is truly complex.
Let’s use a jet with a payload as a metaphor. You have a Boeing 747; it can carry 248,000 lbs. of materials and you can send it anywhere in the world. Where is it going? What is it carrying? Why?
Would you load your plane with blankets and warm clothes to aid the survival of refugees and displaced persons feeling war and violent conflict? What about the homeless?
Would you load your plane with water bottles or water treatment and filtration equipment?
Would you send food or implements to try and restore farmland? Would homelessness, hunger or disease be on your list of priorities at all?