
Post-Record Through the Years: 1942

World war, potato blights big news in ’42

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The top of the Jan. 8, 1942, front page.

War causes layoffs at Washougal woolen mill: Rationing of wool — a result of World War II efforts in the Pacific — caused the layoffs of about 40 third-shift workers at the Pendleton Woolen Mills in Washougal, according to a front-page article published in the Jan. 8, 1942 Post-Record.

“The cut in production, which is for the first quarter of 1942, actually will be more than 20 percent in Washougal, because it is based on the consumption levels of the first six months of 1941, before the third shift was added,” the article reports.

‘Home rendered lard’ sells for 75 cents per 4-pound package: An advertisement published in the July 23, 1942 Post-Record for Volstorff’s Camas Meat Market shows 1942 prices: 38 cents for 1 pound of “boned and rolled prime rib roast” or “Swift’s Premium smoked pork link,” or 35 cents for 1 pound of “home cured bacon, by the piece.”

Women jump into political scene during wartime: “These are war times,” reads a political ad for Eva King Burgett, a candidate running for county treasurer, published in the July 23, 1942 Post-Record.

“Women, where qualified, should take their place in the industrial and official life of the community,” Burgett stated in her ad. “I was born and raised in Clark county and the only member of my family is one son who is now serving in the air corps of the U.S. army. … I would appreciate your vote at the Primary Election on September 8.”

Potato blight hits Clark County: A July 23, 1942 Post-Record reported that a potato blight had “made its appearance” in Clark County, threatening victory gardens in Camas and Washougal.

“The disease, while much more prevalent on potatoes under ordinary conditions, was also quite prevalent on tomatoes last year,” the front-page article states.

Blood donors needed for war effort: A front-page article in the Dec. 17, 1942 Post-Record said the Red Cross was asking “every able bodied citizen” between the ages of 21 and 60 to donate blood “for the making of plasma” to help the troops in World War II.

“The plasma, made by extracting the corpuscles from any type of human blood is a recent discovery of the medical laboratories and is of enormous importance in the treatment of wounded men in military hospitals,” the article states.

Outdoor holiday lights banned: Residents were warned to keep colorful Christmas trees away from their windows and told outdoor holiday lights were banned in an article published in the Dec. 17, 1942 Post-Record.

“The cheerful glow of multi-colored Christmas lights and the glitter and gleam of the magic fruit of the Christmas tree will be missed by everyone who has enjoyed seeing them shining inside the windows of our houses for many years,” the article stated. “But the lives of sailors, carrying war-demanded cargoes across the seas in the face of hourly dangers from submarines are more important than our small, accustomed pleasure in passing glimpses of our friends’ and neighbors’ Christmas cheer.”

A story in the July 23, 1942, Post-Record.
A story in the July 23, 1942, Post-Record. Photo
A story in the July
A story in the July Photo