We need leaders like Kathy Gillespie
We need someone like Kathy Gillespie to represent the 18th legislative district in Olympia.
Several years ago, I had a chance to work with Kathy on a community safety issue. Our work took us to Olympia to meet with and speak to legislators. I witnessed firsthand Kathy’s determined work ethic, public speaking abilities, depth of experience (including eight years on the Vancouver School Board), professionalism and commitment to her beliefs.
Most importantly, Kathy is a good listener. She treats people with respect, and she actually does “work across the aisle” to get things done.
Kathy Gillespie is going door to door, all across Clark County, talking to voters so they get to know her. Many of us who have gotten to know her are doing the same, and canvassing on her behalf so voters hear her message.
Given the current deep divide in our country, it is leaders like Kathy we need right now!
Joanne Pinelli, Camas
Washougal’s Prop 8 would restrict mayor’s abilities
Washougal’s Prop 8 would eliminate the current separation of powers between the executive (mayor) and legislative (council) branches of city government. As the city itself references, “separation of powers provides healthy independence, debate and creative tension. Separate legislative and executive branches provide the best opportunity for debate and consensus building.” The transfer of the mayor’s executive authority to an appointed city manager will result in the mayor devolving into another member of the council, though its chair. Without the mayor’s executive authority, citizens will find this new kind of mayor greatly restricted in affecting the delivery of city services. Washougal voters should keep an elected executive mayor. Vote no on Prop 8. For more information visit washprop8.org.