Twenty years ago, the Camas School District had 700 computers and 2,000 students. Today, the district has approximately 8,000 devices, 3,000 guest logins and more than 7,000 students.
Likewise, while desktop computers and clunky laptops ruled the day in the ’90s, now tablets and Smartphones are the go-to devices.
Sherman Davis, the district’s technology director, has steered CSD through this flood of technological change. And now Davis has been honored for his work. Recently, the state’s Public Classified Employees group named Davis their honorary member of the year. The award is reserved for supervisors who have demonstrated concern for their employees in a significant way.
Kathleen Weeks, one of his employees, nominated Davis for the honor. In a nomination letter, Weeks noted that Davis was a classified employee for many years, and has attended and been active in PSE politics.
“He is concerned on a personal level with all he comes into contact with,” Weeks said. “Sherman is considerate of our custodial staff and asks how he and his department can streamline their daily work. He has brought numerous treats, lunches, dinners and cards of appreciation for PSE staff, knowing all the while that morale is priceless. Sherman does this with his own hard-earned money because of who he is at heart.”