Camas Cemetery needs improvements
I was interested in the article regarding the City of Camas planning to develop the “Dead Lake” area into another recreation park at a goodly sum of money. We already have a number of hiking trails, facilities for boating, biking, swimming, picnicking, skating, plus ballfields that are used seasonally — but are kept in pristine condition all year. Has it ever occurred to them that the cemetery is also a park? But a forgotten park.
One employee is expected to keep the expanding area mowed, trimmed headstones cleaned of debris, along with selling plots and cremation urns, digging new graves and setting up canopies for services, just a few of the responsibilities. A few churches come to help with some of the responsibilities, however there needs to be more help than they can offer.
Those who plan projects for Camas should meet at the cemetery and look around. They will find weeds as big as dinner plates overlapping each other, and grass and weeds making it hard to even find your grave site. The cemetery is the final resting place of generations of people who have helped the City of Camas to be developed into the prosperous city that it is today, plus many veterans that served the country (some that lost their lives) to keep the country safe. The cemetery is used all year, while the ballparks are seasonal. The ones making the decisions — priorities — might well find their final resting place at the cemetery. So, make it a priority, not an eyesore.
Belva Baz, Camas
Reactions to president’s actions
The last six months have revealed amazing cultural changes in our country. I say revealed because I know these sorts of changes take place over generations, not mere years. And yet now, in so short a time frame, radical- perhaps even fundamental- changes have become visible. It’s like the face of a dam that suddenly shows appalling cracks. We suspect that the structural integrity was being eroded for a long time, but the damage has only recently become obvious.
In my grandparents’ day, a candidate for elected office wouldn’t have even been considered if he or she had ever been divorced. That may have been extreme, an example of falling off the horse on the other side. But how is it that a 70-year old man who still needs to publicly brag of extra-marital sexual exploits (consensual or not) was considered fit to serve as President of the United States?