People and dogs who visit the Donald and Angeline Stevenson Off Leash Area have little more than one month to determine which dog park they will go to, starting in November.
Aaron and Jeanine Tyger, of Vancouver, have visited the dog park in Washougal, for more than eight years. Their black lab, Kyra, is 8.
Before Kyra came along, the Tygers walked Aaron’s parents’ two dogs at the dog park located near Bi-Mart, at 3003 Addy St.
“There are a lot of people who come here,” Jeanine said, Monday night.
“I wish it could stay open longer,” Aaron said.
The 15.97 acres, owned by East Village Investors LLC, is being marketed for sale or lease.
The current dog park and the land that the Bi-Mart store is located on are zoned by the city as Town Center East Village. The district is envisioned to have a mixture of higher density housing and retail contained within low-rise buildings.