GMA justifies politicians’ self-seeking agendas
In case you didn’t stay for the vote on the Green Mountain PRD, the Camas Planning Commissioners could care less about what their public had to say. After the chair said they would wait till the end of the week to render a decision, they voted unanimously to recommend the Green Mountain PRD to the City Council.
There were cracks detected in some of the commissioners comments, but, in the end, they towed the line of unanimity. Staff used the Growth Management Act to justify its developmental recommendations — the alleged mandates of the GMA. None of my “specific” questions or quotes by staff pointed out in my testimony were addressed by any the powers that be.
The Growth Management Act has become the 12-headed monster of Washington State. With even more tentacles than heads, it now rationalizes nearly any government action taken by legislators since its inception. There is probably even GMA law on mom, apple pie and educating children. If a politician can’t or won’t respond to criticism, they invariable blame it on the mandates of the GMA.
On June 16, the city of Camas’s heart and soul may have died. We shall see what the council does, but it is apparent that laws that were created under the GMA to protect the citizens of Washington are now being used to justify politicians self-seeking agendas.
The Green Mountain area of Clark County should never have been included in Camas’s Urban Growth Area since there are no urban services there and the conforming lots there are one to five acres. The area clearly has a decidedly rural flavor. Urban Growth Area, please.