‘Education is everything’
On Tuesday, Feb. 10, we citizens of Washougal will cast our votes on a capital improvement bond for our schools.
This spring, I will be 76 years old. It is more than likely that I won’t be alive to see the current crop of kindergarten children grow up and take their places in society. I don’t know what kind of world they will be living in, or if they will be prepared for the challenges that are ahead of them. Nevertheless, I do know that if my generation doesn’t support them in the way our parents and grandparents supported us, their chances will be slim to none.
Many years ago, my grandfather told me that he always voted for the schools, unlike many of his friends, because he knew it would be important for his grandchildren. His generation gave us the opportunity to go to school and build lives for ourselves and our children.
With the past and the future in mind, I plan to vote in support of these children I see daily; waiting at bus stops, playing in school yards and walking home with their backpacks.
Much is said about the importance of education. This is a “no brainer.” I urge all of you join with me in voting in favor of the capital improvement bond for our schools. I am giving my vote to the children of Washougal. Education is everything.