
Washougal community center is among 2015 budget topics

$100,000 feasibility study would be the first step

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The Washougal budget for 2015 is at least several weeks away from being adopted, and city department heads have been presenting proposals for consideration.

During the City Council meeting last night, City Administrator David Scott referred to the potential of a feasibility study for a new community/recreation center. The study, estimated to cost less than $100,000, could be paid for from unrestricted reserves.

That is also proposed to be the source of the reconstruction of Lookout Ridge Drive, for $210,000.

Mayor Sean Guard’s budget is scheduled to be presented Monday, Oct. 27, at 5 p.m.

A budget town hall is scheduled for Saturday, Nov. 8, in City Hall. The time has not been determined.

Meanwhile, public hearings are scheduled for Oct. 27 and Nov. 3, at 5 p.m., regarding two projects that could seek Community Development Block Grant funding.

One would involve ADA improvements at Steamboat Landing Park. They include the construction of an ADA ramp on the south side of the dike from the top to the observation deck and improvements to the deck to make it ADA accessible.

The city could seek $162,000 in CDBG funding for that project. The improvements, estimated to cost $300,000, will connect the dike trail and previous improvements on the north side of the dike, according to Public Works Director Trevor Evers.

Another project that could be part of the city’s request for $162,000 in CDBG funding would involve improvements to the community center kitchen.

The complete project, estimated to cost $600,000, would involve a new roof, retrofitting the kitchen and replacing the heating and air conditioning system. Less costly options were also presented by Evers, in case the city is not able to obtain $300,000 in a state appropriation.

Applications for CDBG funding are due by Dec. 1.

The Department of Housing and Urban Development, through the CDBG Program, allocates funds to eligible cities through a competitive proposal process.