
School notes for July 15, 2014

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Rizzo named to dean’s list at Siena College

Deanna Rizzo of Camas was named to the dean’s list for the spring semester at Siena College. She is a biology major.

Students must earn a GPA of between 3.5 and 3.89 to be named to the list, and 3.9 or above to be named to the president’s list.

Siena College is located in Loudonville, N.Y.

Locals earn degrees from Linfield

A total of 743 candidates for degrees were presented at the Linfield College commencement exercises Sunday, June 1.

Camas graduates include Sanda E. Onofrei, Bachelor of Science in nursing and Joshua Tylar Smith, Bachelor of Arts, history.

Katherine Thomas of Washougal earned a Bachelor of Arts in French and international relations.

Swenson earns a place on president’s list

Luke Swenson of Camas has been named to the president’s list for the spring semester at the Pratt Institute.

The Pratt Institute is located in New York City.

Aiton named to EOU dean’s list

Elise Aiton of Washougal has been named to the dean’s list at Eastern Oregon University for spring term.

Aiton is among 522 students to earn this distinction.

Qualifying students must earn at least a 3.5 GPA and complete a minimum of 12 hours of graded coursework.