One of the unique aspects of Camas and Washougal are the schools. From small buildings tucked away in Skamania County to brand new facilities with all the latest technology, the area has a bit of everything.
What makes these schools different, besides the physical structures, is the programs they have.
The Post-Record is featuring a few of these unique opportunities offered at the local schools. Some were the result of parent volunteers, others were designed by teachers or administrators.Helen Baller ElementaryAt Helen Baller in Camas, students have the opportunity to participate in a parent-led drama team, a running club or student leadership.
“It helps build community within the school,” said Aaron Parman, principal. “It allows students to shine in other areas besides the classroom. Same with the running program and student leadership. They provide different outlets for kids within the school. Kids who may not be the best students or those who are shy have a chance to get involved. They are all great programs.”
The drama team is entirely parent run, and just finished its spring production of “Munchkin Mediation: Conflict Resolution in Oz.”
“There were 40 kids up on stage performing during the assembly,” Parman said. “They all came together for a common goal.”