Several contaminants have been found in the soil of the previous Hambleton Lumber Sales LLC location.
They include total petroleum hydrocarbons, carcinogenic polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, poly-chlorinated biphenyls, lead and mercury.
In 2012, the level of benzo(a)pyrene was .232 mg/kg and TEC was .327 mg/kg, at 335 S. “A” St., Washougal. Cleanup levels for both are 0.1 mg/kg.
The highest concentration of total petroleum hydrocarbons was 7,920, compared to a cleanup level of 2,000. Other levels include PCBs (1.869 mg/kg, with a cleanup level of 1); lead (438 mg/kg, with a cleanup level of 250); and mercury (9.53 mg/kg, with a cleanup level of 2).
Investigators from the port’s consultant, Maul Foster Alongi, did not find contamination from the site in Columbia River sediment.
The levels were provided Monday by Guy Barrett, a hydrogeologist and site manager with the Washington State Department of Ecology toxics cleanup program.