Picking out school supplies and a new backpack is a much-anticipated tradition in most families.
However, due to household budgets that have been stretched to the breaking point, many school kids begin the new year without these items.
But thanks to the generosity of the Camas-Washougal Rotary Club’s backpack program, 200 local elementary school students started classes on the right foot.
“Eight years ago this program donated only 25 backpacks to students in need, today that number has risen to 200, thanks to support from the community and other Rotarians,” said Rotarian Jim Curry, program chair. “We’re hoping next year to include some high school appropriate backpacks and supplies to continue to grow the program.
This year, contributions to the program totaled nearly $3,000, with backpacks purchased at a discount from Columbia Sportswear and JanSport.