Hallway passes made from used Starbucks gift cards. A nontoxic, inexpensive cleaner. Recycling bottlecaps instead of throwing them in the garbage.These were just a few of the ideas shared by students at the second annual Clark County Summit for Washington Green Schools.
Students from Grass Valley Elementary School, Skyridge and Liberty middle schools, and Hayes Freedom High School participated in the day-long event last Tuesday, along with their schools’ Green Team advisors.
The Green Team is a group of students and mentors who are dedicated to conservation.
Currently, Skyridge Middle School and Grass Valley Elementary School lead the effort as level two certified schools. There are only a total of 10 in the state. According to Green Team advisors, hours and hours of volunteer time goes into documenting, auditing and completing paperwork to achieve certification.
By the end of the year, Skyridge is expected to achieve level three status, making it one of only five schools in the state with that designation. The Washington Green Schools program levels range from one to five and include energy, healthy school buildings, transportation, waste and recycling, and water.