
Letters to the Editor for June 19, 2012

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Grateful for volunteer cleanup effort

I want to express my great appreciation to Washougal Mayor Sean Guard and to the ones who so graciously volunteer to help others.

On June 2, two trucks and a van came to my Camas home to remove for disposal some of the accumulation of 25 years of old paint, batteries and other hazardous materials.

All those who came were so very kind, efficient and friendly. Some of the names of those who came—and which many of you may recognize—were: Sheila, Gail, Judy, Ben and a young couple whose names I didn’t get. To all of them I owe a special thanks for giving of their Saturday morning to help me.

I am grateful to Mayor Sean Guard for his thoughtfulness in organizing people to help others.

Louise Heberling-West, Camas

Relay for Life represents hope

The American Cancer society East Clark County Relay For Life voyage is scheduled for June 23 and 24, at Skyridge Middle School in Camas.

The whole concept of cancer can be frightening, intimidating and depressing. Cancer fears that are left alone make us ineffective.

Fortunately there are the rebellious members in East Clark County’s Relay for Life who are truly involved. They come from all walks of life — rich and poor; young and old; professional and/or labor; male and female; healthy and cancer-stricken; and cancer survivors and cancer caregivers. They are all open to sharing their talents and experiences to live Relay.

The ACS supports research, patient services, early detection, treatment and education. The continuing impasse in Congress over how to reduce the $15 trillion national debt and the perceived need to rein in spending will negatively impact funding for cancer research at the National Institute of Health. ACS stands ready to make up the gap between what funds are vitally needed now by research scientists to fight cancer and what will be provided by the federal government. Relay for Life is a major fundraising event for this research.

The ACS Relay For Life began in 1986 in Tacoma, Wash. It is a large grass-roots movement that now mobilizes communities throughout the world to gather together and celebrate with those who have battled cancer as well as their caregivers, remember loved ones lost, and provide participants with camaraderie and resource.

Relay brings together families, friends, businesses, hospitals, schools, faith-based groups, youth and elders — all aimed at nurturing the ACS’s vision of creating a world with less cancer and more birthdays. “Relayers” help find the financial resources that will promote the ACS goal.

Just as important as raising money, ACS also has a primary purpose of raising public consciousness about cancer in general. ACS is a great resource in helping people. Those who have the disease and those who provide care for them are assisted in coping with the everyday issues and problems those cancer patients and their families have to live with.

It is important that we all understand that cancer is indeed something we can, in fact, live with. Research has found many treatments that may cure some cancers; the research must go on so everyone that has been told “you have cancer” can plan on many more birthdays.

Come out for an awesome experience to have fun and learn about the impact of cancer through many stories told by cancer patients, cancer survivors and the many friends and families and community members who care to help.

Renee Martin, East Clark County Relay for Life

Unforgettable field trip

Many schools take field trips this time of year, but the students from Excelsior High in Washougal have experienced one that I hope will stay with them always.

They had no idea that when they viewed the documentary “Bully” that their hearts would be so deeply touched. When the film ended, there was complete silence. I hope that the message conveyed will stay with them as they complete their years at school and on into adulthood. I would recommend this film to all junior high and high school students. There is some profanity, but it is seldom used. Parents should also attend, so they can discuss the powerful message with their child. Hopefully, viewers will leave with a renewed compassion for others.

A special thanks to Liberty Theatre in Camas, for allowing our students to attend a special morning showing. I hope every teacher and administrator will see this documentary and show it to their students.

Betty Millington, Washougal