Coal train dangers are exaggerated
It is really disturbing when you have an organization like the Sierra Club go through many of our smaller communities taking advantage of its members spreading such flagrant misinformation only to serve their own purpose. They are a California organization pretending to be from here.
As I read the articles published in our local paper, I wonder where in the world anyone came up with the number of 84,000 tons of coal dust coming through our community. The outdated information they have been selling our community about the hazards of dust from trains is wrong. The trains are sprayed at the coal facilities with a sealant.
If their medical information was correct, I would be dead by now as I roll these trains up and close daily for years (sorry not a hint of black lung from my doctor). I have young children going to Washougal schools. If I thought I was putting my children’s health in jeopardy it would not be worth the paycheck.
I hear about emissions from the trains, but BNSF reports that its customers avoided 30 million metric tons of CO2 emissions in 2011 by shipping their freight by rail instead of moving their products entirely by road and new technology is increasing yearly. As to saving resources to move a ton of freight 500 miles by rail takes, on average, a single gallon of diesel.
If your car is idling waiting for a train, turn your car off for the 2 minutes it takes for the train to go by, or you have several other options as the east end has an overpass and 15th street has an overpass.